PAWS Steam Program
- Grades K-8 receive $1,000 each to purchase STEAM equipment and/or hands-on activities to enrich their curriculum.
- High School receives $3,000 for the Classroom Without Walls program.
Project Overview:
The PAWS STEAM Project provides direct hands-on learning enhancement at Corvallis Primary and Middle Schools. The PAWS group works with the Primary School and Middle School teachers in each grade to identify a “STEAM project” that would augment their science, technology, engineering, art or mathematics curriculum. Note that some equipment purchased can be used for many years to come.
Funding from PAWS and School District was combined and matched by The Stock Farm Greater Ravalli Foundation. Total project cost for the 2020/2021 school year is $9,000, providing each grade, K-8, with $1,000 to purchase STEAM equipment and/or hands-on activities for enriching their curriculum.
2020/2021 is the third year for this highly successful STEAM program. This project impacts all students at Corvallis Primary and Middle Schools, approximately 800 students.
This school year, STEAM activities will be increasingly important for Primary and Middle school students. Due to the circumstances of COVID-19 and last spring’s at home On-Line learning, students have missed the advanced problem-solving strategies provided by hands-on STEAM experiences. These real-world applications of STEAM principles can help students better understand common theories in science and math classes. Additionally, teaching students through STEAM topics while they are young can also lead to increased confidence when they need to use said topics later in life.
Project Funding:
Corvallis School District: $900
PAWS STEM Project funds: $3,600
The Greater Ravalli Foundation: $4,500
Total: $9,000
The Stock Farm Greater Ravalli Foundation has provided a match to PAWS funds for the last 3 years.
Project Detail:
- Kindergarten: Magformers to observe 2-d shapes and build 3-d shapes. Tinker Toys to solve engineering problems. Grow lights and plants to create plant growing experiences.
- 1st Grade: Zoob Builder sets to analyze data and solve problems. Animal Wonders presentation. Star Lab & Solar System Activity field trip at U of M.
- 2nd Grade: Supplies for bi-monthly STEAM activities to develop a set of thinking, reasoning, teamwork, and investigation.
- 3rd Grade: Ozobots – robot with two ways to code, dissection labs (sheep eye, owl pellet, squid & more)
- 4th Grade: Lego classic kits, bricks that are compatible with Legos, kits of car parts, mini figures and base plates. Electrical clips, wire and tubes for electric circuit experiments.
- 5th Grade: Chromatography and forensics labs for physical science labs, Bess Bugs and Fast Plants for life science study and modeling and solar beads for STEAM activities. Owl pellet bone reconstruction and Kemtec space farm kit. Weight set and spring scales for STEAM labs.
- 6th Grade: Visible Spectrum kit for the study of electromagnetic spectrum and light waves, Chem 3000 kit for study of chemical reactions. Breakout EDU immersive learning games platform that brings the challenge of escape room to the classroom.
- 7th Grade: Vernier CO2 and O2 probes, Vernier BioChamber to observe gas exchange in plants, study plant consumption products of photosynthesis, study how organisms rearrange molecules to support growth and/or release energy, develop models illustrating cellular respiration and transfer of energy. Seedling Light cart for plant growth labs, study of treatments vs control and examine CO2 use and O2 production.
- 8th Grade: Develop and build a shaker table to enhance the earth science study of plate tectonics (earthquakes). Students design various types of infrastructure and test on shaker table. Damage is evaluated, math calculations conducted, research and write reports for redesign of structures using ideas of seismic retrofitting. Petrography thin sections and rock set for microscopic mineral studies.
About PAWS:
PAWS (Parents at Work in Corvallis Schools), strives to provide funding and support to Corvallis teachers in their classrooms. Examples of PAWS projects include: Hands on STEAM, Classroom Sponsorship Program, funds for Teacher Appreciation Week, funds for Classroom supplies & snacks, Primary school wide art show, Teacher needs program and more. PAWS maintains an active Facebook page for communication with teachers and members. Formed in 2016, the all-volunteer parent group is organized as a club under the Corvallis School District mantle.